Violence Free-Healthy Choices for Kids

"VIOLENCE FREE-HEALTHY CHOICES FOR KIDS" is an elementary school program that teaches fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students alternative choices for handling interpersonal conflict.  This program teaches all upper elementary students healthy resolution skills that may prevent them from becoming the next generation of adult victims and abusers of domestic violence.

This curriculum was designed with some significant goals and objectives in mind and has been copyrighted.  The Alle-Kiski Area HOPE Center has been given permission to provide this program.

This curriculum has been approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.  The Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency funded the development of this program.  National and state educational organizations are now recognizing the impact family violence has on our children in the school system.


"Violence Free-Healthy Choices for Kids" helps hte students answer the following questions:

  • When should I talk to someone?

  • Who should I talk to?

  • How can I get help?

  • What are some safe choices?

  • Are there other kids like me?

Students living in homes where there is domestic violence may exhibit the following signs:

  • Truancy

  • Drop in grades

  • Poor attention span

  • Isolated - not many friends

  • Low self-esteem

  • Consistently tired

  • Thinks violence is acceptable way to solve problems


1.  SCHOOL PERSONNEL INSERVICE - This helps teachers recognize the impact domestic violence has on children.

2.  PARENT WORKSHOP - This helps parents understand the effects of domestic violence on children and will present an overview of the program.

3.  TEN WEEKLY CLASSROOM PRESENTATIONS - This is a combination of lecture, videos, role plays, and discussions on prevention skills.  Some topics include bullying, teasing, secrets, self-esteem, and fair fighting.

4.  WEEKLY EDUCATIONAL GROUPS - This is an opportunity for students who need personal space to talk about issues discussed during classroom presentations.

5.  GRADUATION - This is an evening program which will recognize teachers, parents, and students for their hard work and support.


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"Serving Communities in S.W. Pennsylvania"

Toll Free Phone: 1-888-299-HOPE
Phone: 724.224.1100
Fax: 724.224.1123


Created by Kathy Stepnick,
A member of the Duquesne UniversityTechnology Team
 This page was revised on 01/11/00
